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Where to Find Employees in 2022: Your Go-To Sourcing Guide

Where to Find Employees in 2022: Your Go-To Sourcing Guide

The “Great Resignation” saw US workers quit in droves, contributing to 68.1 million job “separations” in 2021. Companies are finding it harder than ever to find employees. Why? Associate Professor of Management at A&M University, Anthony Klotz, credits four main reasons:

  1. A workforce that wanted new positions.
  2. Burnout, particularly among frontline workers in healthcare, retail, and food service.
  3. “Pandemic epiphanies” – where individuals experienced significant shifts in purpose and identity that prompted them to make a career change or start a new business.
  4. An aversion to returning to offices after a year of remote work.

Though the “Great Resignation” might make recruitment challenging for organizations left with several open positions, there is an upside. With so many people available for work, you could access a better pool of talent than ever before.

That is, of course, as long you know where to find them.

Where to Find Employees in 2022

The perfect candidate might not even be looking for a new role. And, if they are, you’ll likely have to work harder to get their attention.

With that in mind, consider passive sourcing. It’s a great way to acquire new hires. Here are three things you can do today:

1. Find Employees on Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms have a massive audience. Take Instagram, for instance, with more than a billion users a month. Then there’s Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn, and Facebook. By posting vacancies on one or all of these platforms, your reach could be phenomenal.

But, companies serious about passive sourcing need to think beyond posting a job ad on their platform of choice. Seventy-five percent of job seekers research a company’s brand, including their social media, before deciding to apply for a job.

So, if you’re trying to attract more applicants, you must establish a solid social media presence, too—one that speaks to your brand, so you attract the most qualified candidates for you.

Social Media Recruiting 2022

2. Ask Your Employees

Your current staff could be your best asset if you’re looking for new employees.

After all, your workforce knows better than anyone what you’re looking for in a candidate. They’re likely to recommend people who can meet the role’s requirements and are also a good fit for the company culture.

And, it gets better. Evidence shows that referred employees stay in jobs for longer, meaning you’ll spend less time (and money!) hiring in the future.

3. Review Previous Applicants

You may be focused on getting the best hires for this recruitment cycle. But, some of your unsuccessful candidates could be the answer the next time around.

So, when you’re sourcing candidates, think ahead. By using an Applicant Tracking System, you’ll be able to track the progress of your current candidates throughout your recruitment process. It also enables you to access and review previous applications according to your criteria easily.

And, with automated messaging, contacting past candidates is even easier.

Source Better Candidates in 2022

A few factors are contributing to the “Great Resignation.” But, the result is the same: recruitment is more difficult across the nation.

That said, with so many unemployed, there’s a greater potential for hiring— even if you want to reach those candidates who aren’t actively looking.

JazzHR will make your passive sourcing effortless and more effective. This intelligent software will enable you to post job ads to several job boards and help you establish your brand.

Moreover, it makes setting up an employee referral program simple while giving you the ability to assess and quickly contact those promising applicants from previous rounds.

To find out more about how JazzHR can help you with your passive and active sourcing, as well as offers and onboarding, contact us today.

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