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Uncover Hidden Hiring Incentives with RetroTax and JazzHR

Uncover Hidden Hiring Incentives with RetroTax and JazzHR

Many employers are familiar with tax credit programs that provide hiring incentives, but they may not realize that tech partners exist to make qualifying candidate’s and applying for tax credits a painless process.

JazzHR is excited to welcome RetroTax to our integration ecosystem to help customers uncover hidden hiring incentives through participation in the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program.

What the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program entails

The WOTC program is a federal income tax credit that incentivizes businesses to hire employees from demographic categories that often face significant barriers to employment.

The benefits of participating in the WOTC program are two-fold. Employers are able to:

  • 1) Lower their federal tax liabilities by hiring workers from targeted groups
  • 2) Gain workers who are just as motivated performers in the workplace as non-WOTC eligible peers

In many cases, the tax credit equals 40% of eligible wages paid to an employee during the first year of employment, up to a maximum of $6,000 of wages, which translates to a credit of $2,400 per employee.

However, there are several exceptions to this general rule as a result of a variety of factors. Luckily, employers can leverage tech partners, such as RetroTax, to streamline their participation in tax-credit programs.

How can RetroTax help JazzHR customers

RetroTax is dedicated to simplifying the tax credit application process for businesses of all sizes by screening applicants for eligibility, identifying maximum available credits, and filing for the credits on behalf of the employer once a candidate is hired.

  • As you screen your candidate pipeline and perform interviews, the experts at RetroTax will assist with qualifying candidate’s for potential tax credits.

After the initial qualification, RetroTax handles the certification process from start to finish, including gathering and submitting all necessary documentation to generate the credits.

The integration between JazzHR and RetroTax allows you to automatically send all candidate’s an online tax credit questionnaire. candidate’s may complete this questionnaire as part of the initial screening process or after they are hired, dependent on how you choose to incorporate this program into your recruiting process.

In short, RetroTax helps organizations turn human resources into a profit center and all of their work is on a contingent fee, which means no risk, all reward.

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