The Recruiting
Revolution Blog

Revolutionary insights on recruiting strategies, hiring best practices, and seasoned talent acquisition tips.

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Gen Z Recruiting Methods: Tips to Attract Younger Workers

One question that’s been top of mind with business and talent leaders at many small businesses recently:
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Choosing the Best ATS for Your Small Business: A Guide

For today’s small businesses — those looking to hire at a modest pace (e.g., a couple hires each month) and those looking to grow headcount considerably in the months and years ahe...
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Time to Celebrate! Lever Is Joining Employ

Just over a year ago, JazzHR, Jobvite, and
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How an ATS System Can Transform Your Hiring Process

It’s simple, really: Companies that are able to quickly connect with top talent regarding job openings and
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7 Ways to Leverage Leading Recruiting Tools and Partners

The sheer number of recruiting tools and partners on the marketplace today that can strengthen and streamline your small business hiring strategy is — well, it’s a lot. For instance, there ...
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JazzHR an ATS Leader in G2’s 2022 Summer Reports

It’s official! JazzHR has been awarded recognition in multiple categories from the G2 Summer 2022 Reports. And o...
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8 High-Volume Hiring Strategies to Inspire Your Team

If you’re like most small businesses today, a high-volume hiring strategy isn’t on the horizon. (At least yet.) Instead, you’re simply focused on engaging applicants to enter your...
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Seasonal Hiring: 5 Simple Steps to Set Up Your Strategy

If your company has a busy season, whether summer, winter, fall or spring, then seasonal help may be just the thing you need to bridge the gap and relieve the stress on existing staff. Maybe you ha...
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Five Things You Can Do to Improve Your Seasonal Hiring Efforts

When the days are longer, and summer hiring season is in full swing, businesses are in the midst of an all-out blitz, seeking to attract the right candidates and doing their best to keep applicants...
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