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How Your Business Can Consistently Improve Its DEI Efforts

How Your Business Can Consistently Improve Its DEI Efforts

Besides driving our own commitment to diversity and inclusion, JazzHR is proud to partner with industry leaders who are equally dedicated to fostering D&I within their own organizations and beyond.

Here’s how some of the partners in the JazzHR integration network are making a consistent impact at both the organizational and product levels in terms of their company’s respective DEI efforts — efforts your small business would be wise to emulate in the months an d years ahead.

dei programs

“Practice what you preach. “Eat your own dog food.” “Be your own best customer.” Wisdom in its various forms that I’ve collected over the years working in technology. I live by this wisdom because:

  • Can you truly believe in what you say if you do not live it every day?
  • Can you truly stand behind your product if you do not use it?
  • Can you truly know your customers and their experiences if you are not one of them?

So, when I was recently asked “how do you ensure you are hiring inclusively and diversely in your own organization?” there was only one way to answer: “We use, of course.”

We built the anonymous candidate screening platform out of a passionate obsession for true equity in hiring. Career.Place’s structured process ensures all candidates are held by the same, pre-defined standards in the same way.

Its built-in candidate anonymity removes bias triggers which inhibit biases from influencing the outcome (for example, employers have no idea if the candidate is a man or a woman, the color of their skin, their age, which college they went to, or even if they went to college if that is not a requirement).

We believe in our mission and our product and proudly use what we have lovingly and obsessively built to ensure that our organization lives the values that drive us.


Checkr is on a mission to build a fairer future by improving the understanding of the past. Checkr believes it is time for companies to adopt fairer hiring practices, including considering formerly incarcerated individuals.

  • Fair chance hiring is built on the premise that everyone, regardless of their background, has the right to be fairly assessed for a role they are qualified for.

In other words, Checkr believes all candidates, regardless of who they are, should have a fair chance to work. Check out this blog post to learn more about how Checkr can help companies build more inclusive practices and embrace diverse candidates.

JazzHR Webinar Connection Between Culture Recruiting


At Bryq, diversity and inclusion constitute the backbone of our efforts. Through our talent assessment platform, we enable businesses to look beyond the resume and hire the right talent for the job.

  • Based on EEOC compliance and research-backed findings, our blind candidate screening functionality empowers teams to reduce bias and build more diverse workforces.

The values on which we built our bias-free talent assessment platform are also reflected in Bryq’s culture.

Our global team is made up of individuals based across the world from a range of backgrounds. Our varied perspectives allow us to support a culture of belonging that infuses our product and organization with an innovative approach to diversity and inclusion.


We must do better than be not racist, have equal opportunity hiring practices, and other diversity and inclusion programs at our companies. Don’t get me wrong: these are incredibly important and we should double down on these efforts.

  • But, in order to have true equal opportunity at work, we must first make an individual commitment to self-reflect and change. I can’t think of a better example of approaching something with a beginner’s mind.

If these last couple weeks have taught us anything, it’s that when individuals come together, positive change can happen. At the same time, we have a lot to do as a society and we must continue to find practical ways of being allies especially when this topic may no longer be “trending.”

Today, I’m speaking up in solidarity with the Black community, acknowledging that I must do better first and foremost as a human being, and also as a leader. #StrongerTogether


As a company that has created a talent solution for organizations to better their Diversity & Inclusion initiatives, it’s a top priority for Hiretual to advocate for DEI efforts within our growing team — and we’re very proud of that. We have such a diverse and multinational team with employees from seven different countries, and that number is definitely going to rise.

In this world we live in, it’s important to us that we create a space with equal and abundant opportunities for underrepresented talents to shine and lead while ensuring that their work is recognized. 

  • That being said, Hiretual is an AI-driven talent solution that works hard to mitigate conscious and unconscious bias to support diverse and inclusive recruiting efforts.

With technology like ours in the market, we believe no organization has an excuse not to hire talent from minority and/or underrepresented groups under the assumption that they are hard to find. These talents are everywhere! And they’re doing such great work to drive companies to success both locally and internationally.

diversity hiring


Over 47% of millennials want to work at diverse companies, but unconscious bias remains a systemic problem in tech and continues to limit workforce diversity. Having a more diverse and inclusive hiring process can help you tackle this issue.

  • Our goal at HackerEarth is not only to help recruiters hire better, but also to build more diverse teams from the ground up through a more inclusive hiring process.

Our solution is designed to eliminate bias based on pedigree and gender, and we try to make job descriptions as gender fluid as possible. Our platform also supports bias-free hiring through the “Hide PII Feature” — a great way to anonymize personally identifiable information like names, gender, and even religion.

While totally eliminating bias is impossible, there is a lot that can be done to limit its ability to narrow your talent pipeline, such as explicitly supporting underrepresented groups, recruiting talent outside of elite institutions such as regional universities and coding camps, and sponsoring DEI efforts across your org to get other employees involved.

One important element of your DEI efforts that requires constant attention (and optimization) is your diversity hiring. Learn how your can improve your diversity recruitment approach with our leading ATS.

jazzhr recruitment software ats demo

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