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7 Ways To Train Employees For Guaranteed Productivity

7 Ways To Train Employees For Guaranteed Productivity

Guest blog by Alex Sal.

Whether it be company culture, emotional intelligence, wellness at work, or productivity – there are always techniques to upgrade how you train your employees. Training is fundamental to a company’s success, however, many employers do not realize how much can truly be covered in an ongoing series of trainings.

What remains evident is that to be successful, one must learn and evolve with changing times; incidentally, this is something companies fail to do. Time and time again, this is what sets apart the companies with amazing reviews versus those with lackluster ones.

If you want to be the company candidates are eager and excited to get hired by, then ensuring your training programs are top-notch should be one of your immediate first steps. Here are the most important steps to train your staff to become productivity experts.

1. Encourage Alternative Ways To Communicate

Often when we are stuck in old habits and workflows, it can be more difficult to stay productive and be inspired with new ideas. Instead of sticking to the same routine, try encouraging employees to change up agendas, schedule walking meetings, or virtual coffees. These skills will not only make employees more effective but will also provide them with the practice to work in all types of situations with all types of clientele.

2. Support Diverse Office Setups

Nothing screams status quo more than a floor full of identical cubicles and office equipment. A great path to increase productivity is to increase movement and flair. Encourage employees to take pride in their workspaces and flow by providing equipment such as standing desks! Not only does this create a more productive environment but it also helps to promote wellness for your employees as well. Numerous studies have shown the negative impacts of sitting too often such as back pain and heart disease.

3. Identify and Embrace Different Learning Styles

Forcing employees to work and learn in the same way is never good for productivity. To truly train your employees to be more productive, provide them with the support and flexibility to work and learn in ways that are most conducive to them as individuals. Many sources make the claim that “the method of learning provided by a training program is equally as important as the content being delivered.”

Some different learning styles include hands-on, computer-based, classroom style, and e-learning. Continue to stay in the know on new ways your staff can absorb and learn to reach your goals!

4. Incorporate Self-Care

A big issue with productivity is the myth of always working. This is exactly what working smarter not harder is all about. Productivity becomes a waste if the work is incorrect and stagnant. Rather than calling for nonstop work hours, inspire and demonstrate self-care to your employees.

By leading with boundaries, efficient meetings, and a purposeful schedule you can set the tone for what an effective workplace looks like instead of an overworked and ineffective one. There is no better way to encourage than to model the behavior you seek. 

5. Offer Learning Discounts

There are numerous opportunities to provide training for employees in and outside of the office. Many organizations such as General Assembly and Skillshare offer countless in-person and online classes ranging across different industries and skillsets.

These classes offer an array of skills, provide more exposure for your company, and most powerfully, communicate confidence and empowerment to your employees that you believe in their growth and path at your company.

6. Offer Multiple Tools

Because everyone learns and works differently, that also means productivity looks distinct for everyone too.

While it is essential for a team to have great means to work together, forcing everyone to work on a platform for arbitrary reasons can make productivity difficult. Instead, let teams explore their options and decide on a method that works best for all.

Some popular team collaboration tools include Asana and Trello, while others prefer using Powerpoints or the classic Post-it note. Regardless, be sure your employees know they have various options and your financial support to use them!

7. Set Up Post-Training Engagement

Sometimes the most powerful way to learn happens after training takes place. It’s key to set up post-training engagement with your employees if you want to ensure your goals are effective and not left to fade away.

Post-training engagement also serves as an excellent way to survey your employees on their experience and satisfaction for the training. You and your team will be able to identify what did or didn’t work, as well as make comparisons between trainings and the company’s financial success to then prove ROI.

Productivity, while seemingly simple to pitch, is often missed due to many of the reasons above. 

Is there a particular area of employee productivity you’re stuck on?

Did you have a recent training win?

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