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5 Ways Hiring Software Helps You Comply With the EEOC

5 Ways Hiring Software Helps You Comply With the EEOC

Complying with the EEOC is a major concern for businesses of all types. While an organization may be following all anti-discrimination best practices through their recruitment and talent management workflows, if they are not reporting the correct information as required, they may be non-compliant in the eyes of the law.

Hiring software can reduce anxieties in this area by helping businesses comply with the EEOC. The technology platforms can streamline workflows, enhance reporting, and make it easier to have the detailed information HR needs, whenever they need it. Here are five ways hiring software helps you comply with the EEOC:

1. Gain greater visibility into current hiring

You can’t improve your diversity and ensure compliance with the EEOC if you don’t have a clear view of your hiring activities as they presently are. You may think you have a diverse workforce and are complying with all EEOC regulations, but weak spots can be hidden in the data. Hiring software can help you gain greater visibility into your hiring activities and develop a better understanding of whether your diversity policies are actually being followed.

2. See where your candidates are coming from

EEOC regulations advise that companies avoid developing narrow hiring funnels and instead reach out to potential job candidates through a variety of sources. Hiring software can help you see where your job candidates are coming from, giving you information you need to potentially adjust your strategy. If all your candidates are coming from a single place, you can tweak your recruitment methods to reach a wider group of people. Easy-generated reports can help you see data about your candidates more clearly, which is information you can then use to make informed decisions about your future hiring practices.

3. Streamline reporting

Reporting is a major aspect of complying with the EEOC, and it can be a difficult administrative task to get a handle on without the help of innovative hiring software. The software can instantly compile relevant reports for you and give you access to the information and data you need, whenever you need it. Instead of endless paperwork, headaches and tight deadlines, you can generate reports simply and quickly with the touch of a button.

4. Uphold diverse hiring best practices

Hiring software with applicant tracking systems helps you ensure hiring best practices at each stage in the recruitment process. From EEOC questionnaires the candidate initially fills to better visibility on application timelines, the software enables transparency and organization throughout the recruitment process. Check-ins and progress metrics can help you clearly see where each candidate is in the recruitment process, which helps you ensure an equal-opportunity hiring process for all candidates.

5. Get interviewers on the same page

When it comes to the interview process, hiring managers may have unconscious biases that can affect how they view and evaluate candidates. As such, it’s important that interview questions are created that are fair, balanced and that do not reflect any biases. Hiring software can help you communicate and disseminate interview questions and fair interviewing guidelines to all hiring managers as well as any other individuals involved with the interviews. Hiring software can enable easy communication with all individuals involved with recruitment. You can touch base with recruiting teams from the start of the hiring process to ensure efficiency and diversity best practices are upheld throughout the process. Many people know the importance of complying with the EEOC, but when it comes to reporting and related processes, companies can feel in the dark. Hiring software can help your organization uphold diversity best practices and comply with the EEOC. What practices is your organization employing to ensure EEOC compliance?

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